Monday, 29 December 2008
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Gift from Saricakaya to Gondomar
See slideshow
Gift from the Mayor of Saricakaya to the Mayor of Gondomar, integrated in the Comenius Project EDL - European Digital Library (during the comemorative lunch of the Medas school's 20th birthday).
Entrega da oferta do Sr. Presidente de Saricakaya (Turquia) ao Sr. Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Gondomar, Maj. Valentim Loureiro, acto integrado no Projecto Comenius EDL - European Digital Library, e que teve lugar após o almoço comemorativo dos 20 anos da escola E.B 2,3 de Medas, em 06 de Dezembro de 2008.
Publicada por Natividade em 23.12.08 0 comentários
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (from Medas)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (from Medas)
Slideshow 1
Slideshow 2
Slideshow 3
Publicada por Natividade em 23.12.08 0 comentários
Sunday, 7 December 2008
St.Nicholas in the Slovak Republic
We have had this tradition since the end of 19th century.
At home the children prepare their boots or shoes – they clean them and put them to the windows. They believe that at night from 5th to 6th December St. Nicholas comes and puts the presents into the boots.
Publicada por Deolinda Estêvão em 7.12.08 0 comentários
Christmas activities
Children will continue to celebrate Christmas sending to their friends Christmas cards and songs. EBI Mouzinho da Silveira will produce a power point presentation about Corvos´ Christmas Celebration. This work will be added to the EDL Web site.
Good work!
Publicada por Deolinda Estêvão em 7.12.08 0 comentários
Monday, 1 December 2008
About Corvo - Students Presentation in Sarıcakaya - Turkey
Publicada por Deolinda Estêvão em 1.12.08 0 comentários
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Project Meeting in Sarıcakaya - Turkey
Publicada por Deolinda Estêvão em 13.11.08 0 comentários
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Project Meeting in Corvo 26th 30th May 2008
It was asked to our students to take photographs and record the pedestrian track. They took relevant images relates to:
- Endemic flora,
- Birds,
- Landscapes,- Moments from the track.
The final resul is this. Take a look!!
Environmental action
28th May 2008
Publicada por Deolinda Estêvão em 11.6.08 0 comentários
Friday, 30 May 2008
Project Meeting in Corvo - 26th 30th May 2008
Here are some of that presentations. Take a look!!
Publicada por Deolinda Estêvão em 30.5.08 0 comentários
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Portuguese Tongue twisters
O rato roeu a rolha da garrafa do rei da Rússia.
Mariana - five years old
Publicada por Natividade em 13.5.08 0 comentários
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
April Activities - Tongue Twisters
Tongue Twisters from Turkey
- bu köşe yaz köşesi şu köşe kış köşesi ortada su şişesi
This side is summer side, that side is winter side, the water bottle is in the middle.
- bir berber bir berbere bre berber gel beraber bir berber dükkanı açalım demiş
One barber said to another barber, ""Come on, brother, let's open a barbershop together!""
- bu ekşi eski ekşi
This sour (lemon) is an old sour (lemon).
- bu yogurdu sarımsaklasak da mı saklasak sarımsaklamasak da mı saklasak
Should we put this yoghurt away after adding garlic to it, or before adding garlic to it?
- kartal kalkar dal sarkar. Dal sarkar kartal kalkar.
The eagle stands, the branch sticks out. The branch sticks out, the eagle stands.
- bu duvarı badanalamalı mı yoksa badanalamamalı mı?
Should we whitewash this wall or should we not whitewash it?
Tongue Twisters from Slovakia
V našej peci myši pištia, v našej peci psík spí.
In our oven mice squeak, in our oven a dog sleeps.
Koleso, koleso okolesilo si sa. Železo, železo oželezilo si sa.
Wheel, wheel, it is wheeled. Iron, iron, it is ironed.
Išli krty na maškrty, prvý, druhý, tretí, štvrtý. Piaty robil na nič vrty, nevzali ho na maškrty.
The moles went to feast. The first, the second, the third, the fourth. The fifth did a mess, so they didn't take him to feast.
aby prišli vaši k našim,
ak neprídu vaši k našim,
tak neprídu naši k vašim.
Our (people) send me to your (people), in order that your (people) come to our (people), if your (people) won't come to our (people), then our (people) won´t come to your (people).
Vyskočil vyskočil, Vyskočilku preskočil.
Vyskočilka vyskočila, Vyskočila preskočila.
Jumper (name) jumped and jumps over his wife. His wife also jumped and jumped over him.
Guľôčka v jamôčke.
A little ball in a little hole
Portuguese Tongue twisters
Três tristes tigres trituram três pratos de trigo.
Three sad tigers triturate three wheat plates of wheat.
Três tigres tristes para três pratos de trigo.Três pratos de trigo para três tigres tristes.
Three sad tigers for three plates of wheat. Three plates of wheat for three sad tigers.
Se cá nevasse, fazia-se cá ski.Cá nunca neva.
If it snowed here, we would ski. (But) it never snows here.
O rato roeu a rolha da garrafa do rei da Rússia.
The mouse gnawed the cork of the bottle of the king of Russia.
O rato roeu a rolha da garrafa de rum do rei da Rússia.
The mouse gnawed the cork of the bottle of rum of the king of Russia.
O rato roeu a roupa do rei de Roma.
The mouse gnawed the clothes of the king of Rome.
O rato roer roía e, a Rosa Rita Ramalho, do rato a roer se ria!
The mouse gnawed and, Rosa Rita Ramalho, laughed at the mouse that was gnawing.
O tempo pergunta ao tempo quanto tempo o tempo tem. O tempo responde ao tempo que o tempo tem tanto tempo quanto tempo o tempo tem.
Time asks time how much time the time has. Time answers time that time has as much time as time time has.
A aranha arranha a rã, a rã arranha a aranha.
The spider scratches the frog, the frog scratches the spider.
A pia pinga, o pinto pia, pinga a pia, pia o pinto, o pinto perto da pia, a pia perto do pinto.
The sink drips, the young chicken chirps, drips the sink, chirps the young chicken, the young chicken close to the sink, the sink close to the young chicken.
O Papa papa o papo do pato.
The Pope eats the duck's crop.
Daniela nº2 and Maria nº7
Publicada por Natividade em 8.4.08 0 comentários
Jogo da Corrida de Sacos - The Bags Race Game
Number of Participants: two or more
The children put themselves inside bags and run.
Wins the first who arrives to the finishing line.
EB 2/3 de Medas
Publicada por Natividade em 8.4.08 0 comentários
Playground Games
André - Cimo de Vila -1ºano
Jogo da Tracção com Corda - The Traction Game with a lined Rope
Number of Participants: 2 teams with the same players’ number
Maria - 9º D
On a plain playground two equal teams (number and strength) hold the rope at the same distance from the handkerchief. Mark one line on the soil between both teams. The game consists in pulling the rope, each team to each side.
Wins the one that pulls and drags the first player to cross the line on the floor. If one team falls down or releases the rope the other team wins.
O Jogo da corrente
O jogo da corrente é jogado pelo número de jogadores que quisermos.
Joga-se assim: um jogador deve tentar apanhar todos os outros e formar uma corrente. O último jogador a ficar solto ganha.
Raquel Silva
EB1 Cimo de Vila - 4ºano
Jogo da batata quente
Este jogo joga-se com uma bola e faz-se de conta que a bola está muito quente e passa-se para outro menino e outro também tem que fazer de conta que está muito quente e passá-la novamente.
Pode jogar toda a gente.
Perde o jogo quem estiver muito tempo com a bola na mão ou a deixar cair.
Este jogo é giro e engraçado.
Mariana Sofia Rocha
EB1 Cimo de Vila - 3ºano
No recreio brinco a várias coisas mas o meu preferido é o jogo das pipocas que a professora de ginástica ensinou ao primeiro e ao segundo ano.
A canção é esta:
Uma pipoca saltava da panela
E logo outra se foi juntar a ela
Daqui a nada é uma grande confusão
Todas as pipocas saltavam no fogão
E antes de começar a cantar damos as mãos a formar uma roda.
Esse jogo é muito divertido.
Beatriz Gonçalves
EB1 Cimo de Vila - 2ºano
Eu brinco com a Cátia Felicidade, com a Eduarda e com a Sílvia. Brincamos aos pais e às mães. A Cátia é a irmã mais velha, a Eduarda é a do meio, a Sílvia é mais nova do que a Eduarda, e eu sou a bebé.
Também brincamos ao pica-gelo, que é uma menina a apanhar os outros que têm que fugir.
No jogo do trabalho das árvores, cada menino tem que ter uma árvore e há um lobo e ele tem que nos vir apanhar e nós temos que ir para a nossas árvores.
Às vezes também brincamos às escondidinhas.
Eu gosto de brincar.
Beatriz Critina Silva - 1º ano
Adriana Silva
EB1 Cimo de Vila - 2ºano
Publicada por Natividade em 8.4.08 0 comentários
Jogo do Pião - The Top Game
Diogo 9ºD
Number of Participants: two or more participants.
We can circle the top with a rope and we throw it onto the floor.
EB 2/3 de Medas
Publicada por Natividade em 8.4.08 0 comentários
Jogo da Malha - The Mesh Game
Number of Participants: 2 teams (2 players each)
Put the bolts on a plain playground in the same direction (in about 15/18 meters’ distance between each other). Each team puts itself behind the bolt. Teams play by turns. The main goal is to drop or to place the dish the nearest to the bolt throwing it only with one hand.
Punctuation: 6 points each drop; 3 points for the nearest dish.
Wins the team that achieves 30 points. 3 parts compose the game; to win one team shall win 2 of the 3 parts.
EB 2/3 de Medas
Publicada por Natividade em 8.4.08 0 comentários
Jogo da Macaca - Monkey game
Daniela 9ºD
Jogo da Macaca
Monkey Game
Number of Participants: 6 to 12 players
With a piece of chalk we draw the female monkey on the ground. Then we throw the stone on the drawing in the first “house”. We jump with one foot on this drawing. We have to jump on the drawing where the stone is. We collect the stone and step on all the other “houses”.
Whenever you miss the target when throwing the stone you are out of the game.
EB 2/3 de Medas
A macaca
Na macaca podem brincar os jogadores que quiserem, não há número certo.
A macaca joga-se assim: Primeiro desenha-se a macaca no chão com giz. Depois o jogador que estiver a jogar atira a pedra para o primeiro quadrado e depois salta para os outros, mas não pode calcar o quadrado no qual está a pedra. Se calcar esse quadrado, perde e tem de dar a vez ao outro menino que está a seguir.
Quando um dos jogadores chegar ao último quadrado da macaca, ganha e acaba o jogo.
Diana Isabel Silva
EB1 Cimo de Vila - Melres
Publicada por Natividade em 8.4.08 0 comentários
Sunday, 9 March 2008
March Activities - Playground Games
White, Blue, Red
Number of players: 3
Instruments: skipping – rope
Every player has colour (white, blue or red).
Two players turn whit skipping – rope and they repeat names of colours.
One of the players skips over skipping – rope.
The next player is going to skip, if his colour isn’t skipped.
Red and Black
It’s fun for children and teacher, too. Teacher is the leader of the game.
Children are divided into teams: Red team and black team.
Teams stand on the line back to back. ( look at the picture)
Teacher commands: ”Now, red team is chasing!” – red team chase black team
and black team can rescue only in black team’s house.
If red team overtake somebody, he remains in their team. Game repeats.
Teacher can design chasing team.
Two pupils create house and the third pupil is inhabitant of the house. ( look at the picture)
Houses stand in all the playground. Teacher commands: ”One”- house change
”Two”- inhabitants change
”Three”- houses and inhabitants change.
Children must change for command. ____________________________________________
Playground games from Corvo
The Rope Game
Great warm up/lesson activity – children really enjoy this one – keeps everyone moving and paying attention all the time – great team game – good for coordination – works with whole class – suitable from Yr1 upResources: 2 long skipping ropes – 2x2 short ones tied together work just as well
Some cones/markers (optional)
Arrange the Teams:
Divide class into two teams
Within teams, children get into pairs
Arrange teams, cones and skipping ropes as below
How to play:
The first pair run forward and grab their skipping rope, one at each end.
They drag it along the ground so that the rest of the team have to jump over it one pair at a time.
When the last pair has jumped over the rope, the pair dragging the rope pull it taught, at shoulder height, and run it back over the heads of their team-mates who simultaneously now crouch below the rope.
The pair with the rope return it to it’s original position, tag the next pair and then join the back of the line.
Keep going until all have had one or two turns – winners first team to all complete agreed number of turns, return rope to start and all sit down quietly.
Cat and Mouse
Children sit in circle with two objects which can be called 'cat and 'mouse'. The mouse is passed around the circle and when halfway, the cat is sent around to catch the mouse. Cat can also change direction, in which case the mouse should try to stay opposite the cat in the circle.Catch
One child closes his/her eyes and counts to 40 while others hide (hence the name 40-40). This child stands at the 'can' while counting. After s/he catches a person, the catcher brings that person back to the 'can', where they have to wait. However, another child who is not caught can 'free' the children in the 'can' by touching them while saying '40-40, I free all'. The child who 'frees all' (when all but himself/herself are caught) will be the catcher for the next game.Mother May I?
The object of the game is for each of the children to try to touch the leader. The leader decides how each child progresses by saying, for example 'Laura, do a tomato' and Laura has to 'do' a tomato. The things to 'do' are: 'a tomato' (step backwards) 'a baby step' (small step) or 'a giant step' (big step) 'a umbrella' (turn around until leader says stop) 'a train' (say choo choo and go forward until leader says stop) (children should also make up new moves for themselves). Before the child does anything, the child must say 'Mother May I' and get a 'yes you may' reply.
Benchball is played with 5 people on each team. One player is the catcher who stands on a bench . The object of the game is to throw the ball to your catcher and if he catches it , your team gets a point.Red Light, Green Light, One, Two, Three
One person (the leader) stands facing a wall. Group of children stand 10 metres behind at 'the start'. The leader calls out 'Red Light, Green Light, One, Two, Three' and jumps around. During this time, the rest of the children try to run up and touch the leader. However, if the leader sees anyone move when s/he turns around, then that person has to return to 'the start'. The child who touches the leader first becomes the leader for the next game.
Publicada por Deolinda Estêvão em 9.3.08 0 comentários
Thursday, 28 February 2008
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Carnival in Medas
Viva os palhaços,
Viva o Carnaval,
Viva a alegria,
Que ninguém faz mal.
Tá - tá - tá - tá
Tá - tá - tá - tá
Tá - tá - tá - tá - tá - tá
Tá - ta - tá - tá
Tá - tá - tá - tá
Tá - tá - tá - tá - tá
Publicada por Natividade em 27.2.08 0 comentários
Faithful John - story
Friar John, without worries
Once upon a time the king heard about a friar who was known as someone who never worried about anything. One day, he decided he was going to put him into trouble and told him that he had to answer three questions:
1-Houw much does the moon weigh?
2-How much water has the sea got?
3-What do I think?
If he couldn’t answer these questions, he would be killed. Friar John went home and met the miller on the way and he asked him why he was so worried. He said he had to answer three questions in three days and if he couldn’t answer them, the king would kill him. The miller told him: “don’t worry; I will go to the king’s presence and I will answer your questions.” And so he did. Disguised as Friar John we went to the king’s presence. So the king asked him:
1-How much does the moon away?
He told him that the moon couldn’t weigh more than a pound as everybody said that it had four quarters.
“It’s true.” Said the king. “And now, how much water has the sea got?”
“That’s easy to answer”, said the miller, “but as your majesty only wants to know the water of the sea, it’s necessary first to stop all the rivers from flowing into the sea.”
The king thought he gave a good answer, but seeing Friar John was escaping the difficulties of his questions, he asked angrily:
- “Now, if you don’t know what I think, I’ll have you killed!” The miller answered:
- “Well, your Majesty thinks you are talking to Friar John without worries, but you are just talking to his miller.
He dropped his Capuchin friar and the king was amazed at his smartness.
9º A
Publicada por Natividade em 27.2.08 0 comentários
Brementown Musicians - story
Brementown Musicians
Publicada por Natividade em 27.2.08 0 comentários
Monday, 25 February 2008
Febrary Activities
Some resources:
In the zoo
Which Portuguese children's song do you prefer?
Publicada por Natividade em 25.2.08 0 comentários
Children's Song
Blonde Parrot
Blonde Parrot
Of the golden beak
Take this letter for me
To my boyfriend
He is not a priest
Nor a married man
He's a single boy
Pretty as a field
Pretty as a field
Pretty as the hills
Take this letter for me
Blonde parrot
Blonde Parrot
Of the golden beak
Take this letter
To the other side
To the other side
To the other place
Blonde parrot
With beautiful feathers.
Publicada por Deolinda Estêvão em 25.2.08 0 comentários
Portuguese children's song
Indo eu a caminho de Viseu
I'm going on my way to Viseu.
I am going, I am going
On my way to Viseu
I'am going, I'm going
On my way toViseu
I met my love
Oh, Jesus, there I go !
I met my love
Oh, Jesus, there I go!
Now truz, truz (clap, clap, clap)
Now tráz, tráz, tráz
Now come forward, come forward, come forward
Now, go backward
Publicada por Natividade em 25.2.08 0 comentários
O balão do João - John's balloon
Portuguese children's song
João's balloon
Goes up in the sky
The little boy is singing happily
But the wind is blowing and
Takes the balloon
Through the air
So João begins crying
Publicada por Natividade em 25.2.08 0 comentários