Tongue Twisters from Turkey
- bu köşe yaz köşesi şu köşe kış köşesi ortada su şişesi
This side is summer side, that side is winter side, the water bottle is in the middle.
- bir berber bir berbere bre berber gel beraber bir berber dükkanı açalım demiş
One barber said to another barber, ""Come on, brother, let's open a barbershop together!""
- bu ekşi eski ekşi
This sour (lemon) is an old sour (lemon).
- bu yogurdu sarımsaklasak da mı saklasak sarımsaklamasak da mı saklasak
Should we put this yoghurt away after adding garlic to it, or before adding garlic to it?
- kartal kalkar dal sarkar. Dal sarkar kartal kalkar.
The eagle stands, the branch sticks out. The branch sticks out, the eagle stands.
- bu duvarı badanalamalı mı yoksa badanalamamalı mı?
Should we whitewash this wall or should we not whitewash it?
Tongue Twisters from Slovakia
V našej peci myši pištia, v našej peci psík spí.
In our oven mice squeak, in our oven a dog sleeps.
Koleso, koleso okolesilo si sa. Železo, železo oželezilo si sa.
Wheel, wheel, it is wheeled. Iron, iron, it is ironed.
Išli krty na maškrty, prvý, druhý, tretí, štvrtý. Piaty robil na nič vrty, nevzali ho na maškrty.
The moles went to feast. The first, the second, the third, the fourth. The fifth did a mess, so they didn't take him to feast.

aby prišli vaši k našim,
ak neprídu vaši k našim,
tak neprídu naši k vašim.
Our (people) send me to your (people), in order that your (people) come to our (people), if your (people) won't come to our (people), then our (people) won´t come to your (people).
Vyskočil vyskočil, Vyskočilku preskočil.
Vyskočilka vyskočila, Vyskočila preskočila.
Jumper (name) jumped and jumps over his wife. His wife also jumped and jumped over him.

Guľôčka v jamôčke.
A little ball in a little hole
Portuguese Tongue twisters

Três tristes tigres trituram três pratos de trigo.
Three sad tigers triturate three wheat plates of wheat.
Três tigres tristes para três pratos de trigo.Três pratos de trigo para três tigres tristes.
Three sad tigers for three plates of wheat. Three plates of wheat for three sad tigers.
Se cá nevasse, fazia-se cá ski.Cá nunca neva.
If it snowed here, we would ski. (But) it never snows here.
O rato roeu a rolha da garrafa do rei da Rússia.
The mouse gnawed the cork of the bottle of the king of Russia.
O rato roeu a rolha da garrafa de rum do rei da Rússia.
The mouse gnawed the cork of the bottle of rum of the king of Russia.
O rato roeu a roupa do rei de Roma.
The mouse gnawed the clothes of the king of Rome.
O rato roer roía e, a Rosa Rita Ramalho, do rato a roer se ria!
The mouse gnawed and, Rosa Rita Ramalho, laughed at the mouse that was gnawing.
O tempo pergunta ao tempo quanto tempo o tempo tem. O tempo responde ao tempo que o tempo tem tanto tempo quanto tempo o tempo tem.
Time asks time how much time the time has. Time answers time that time has as much time as time time has.
A aranha arranha a rã, a rã arranha a aranha.
The spider scratches the frog, the frog scratches the spider.
A pia pinga, o pinto pia, pinga a pia, pia o pinto, o pinto perto da pia, a pia perto do pinto.
The sink drips, the young chicken chirps, drips the sink, chirps the young chicken, the young chicken close to the sink, the sink close to the young chicken.
O Papa papa o papo do pato.
The Pope eats the duck's crop.
Daniela nº2 and Maria nº7